EMDR Therapy At Oasis River Recovery

Oasis River Recovery uses eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR) therapy to help individuals process and freely express themselves about emotional distress, traumatic memories, and other forms of past trauma that can lead to substance abuse and mental health disorders.

Step One

Reach Out For Help

Step Two

Develop a Treatment Plan

Step Three

Begin Your Recovery Journey

EMDR For Addiction Treatment

Alcohol addiction, substance abuse, and co-occurring disorders can directly result from traumatic experiences. Rather than avoiding or pretending these events didn't happen, we use EMDR therapy to help individuals overcome the memory’s impact and form healthier and happier lives.

edmr therapy for addiction treatment

What Is EMDR Therapy?

Eye movement desensitization and reprocessing therapy was initially created in 1987 to help individuals with post-traumatic stress disorder. Overtime, EMDR became an effective treatment option for various other conditions, including anxiety disorders, depression, dissociative disorders, eating disorders, obsessive-compulsive disorders, and personality disorders.

EMDR therapy differs from other psychotherapy treatments that target the emotions, thoughts, and responses associated with traumatic events. Instead, it directly addresses the memory and aims to alter how it's stored in the brain.

Many people believe that emotional pain takes a long time to heal. However, EMDR therapy has proven that the mind can recover from psychological trauma just as the body heals from physical injury. When the body is injured, it initiates a healing process to close the wound. If a foreign object or repeated injury blocks the healing process, the wound can become infected and cause more pain.

Similarly, EMDR therapy shows that the brain's natural information processing system moves towards mental health. If a traumatic event obstructs the brain's healing system, emotional wounds can fester and cause intense suffering. EMDR treatment focuses on removing emotional obstacles and allow the brain to heal itself.

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A Typical EMDR Therapy Session

A typical EMDR treatment plan involves six to twelve sessions, with most people receiving treatment once or twice a week. Research indicates that processing a single distressing memory usually takes around three sessions. However, some individuals require fewer sessions.

The EMDR therapist begins by taking the patient's medical history and explaining the treatment process. Then, the therapist assists the patient in targeting memories they want to be addressed during treatment. The therapist brings back the memory by asking the patient to visualize or experience the thoughts, feelings, or physical sensations related to the event.

Next, the therapist evaluates the level of negative emotions and thoughts related to the traumatic event and the positive self-beliefs the patient wishes to strengthen before administering bilateral stimulation (when both sides of the brain are activated). By moving their hand side to side and asking them to describe the event, imagery that usually brings negative emotions can be replaced with visualizations that inspire positive images and emotions.

Benefits Of EMDR For Treating Addiction

A Recovery Program Designed to Promote Wellness

Oasis River Recovery strives to provide a unique recovery program unlike anything offered in the area. By incorporating evidence-based treatment, experiential therapy methods, and holistic healing modalities, we've created a program that blends into our location's natural beauty

Benefits Of EMDR For Treating Addiction

Traumatic events and symptoms of PTSD can cause people to develop substance use disorders to cope with the negative feelings and memories. When EMDR therapy is incorporated into an addiction recovery plan, therapists can successfully remove traumatic blocks and their mental side effects. Once these memories are processed and healed, individuals can easily overcome unhealthy coping skills and cravings at our treatment center.

EMDR therapy

Contact Us Today

If you or someone you know is struggling with attachment anxiety and substance abuse, reach out to Oasis River Recovery. Our team of professionals uses attachment theory to explore different attachment disorders to create a treatment plan that fits your specific needs. Addiction recovery and forming healthy adult attachments is not something
you need to do alone.